Dedicated Missions

Social Club/Support Group
The M.A.C.L.C. is an advocacy and support group resource gathering Club members, peers and community relations who can unite socially. Uniting like-minded people with similar special needs and interests allows for a commensurate sense of belonging. Networking and mobilizing through social gatherings and regular meetings allow for its members and outlining community to celebrate and support one another by a united sense of community.

Arts & Autism
Supporting and promoting neurodiverse people through the Arts. Autistic individuals have particular talents in the arts and promoting their talents and finding them avenues where their abilities are celebrated and encouraged helps promote acceptance and empowerment.

Adult Transitioning Programs
Autistic individuals lose the majority of their medical, scholastic and social services support when they turn 18. They need advocacy support to help them transition into the adult adaptation programs and services available to them.

Respite support
Autistic individuals and their caregivers have extremely limited financial support for respite care. Specialized caregivers (who can provide respite) are scarce and costly beyond the usual budgetary allowances of families.

Inclusive Recreational programs
Autism and living with other intellectual Special Needs is terribly isolating and exclusionary when it comes to people welcoming and accepting them in various daily life activities. Our programs aim to empower and support individuals by associating them with inclusive and adapted social and recreational programs that will welcome them.

Mental Health support
Neurodiverse people have uniquely functioning brains and diverge from the typical ones of the rest of the world around them. Isolation, anxiety and depression are the most pervasive realities autistic individuals cope with. Our programs aim to bring light to those truths and help society at large be aware and understanding.
Oliver Forest and Nicki Cunningham - Daily Dose // "Wellness Anthem" (Official Lyric Video)

Neurodiverse and Special Needs students are often underpriviledged financially and many families in our Montreal community lack sufficient resources to properly equip their children with school supplies needed for their education. Annually the MACLC raises funds to provide school supplies children in need.